
Created and Performed by Raely Anita Ricardo Soto and Lillian White


At dawn, a public cleaner faces a series of daily but dangerous tasks. She is interrupted by the sudden arrival of a young woman and though both are complete strangers, each one has something that the other is looking for — will they find it? A mysterious and intimate encounter unfolds in this drama, that seeks to expose the difficult decisions and the precarious circumstances that confront so many women today.

Production History

Developed and Performed in La Fabrique III Residency Program, La Alianza Francesa, Lima Peru, August 2022

Production credits

Sound Design: Michael Magán

Special thanks: Miriam Sernaque Argüello, Sara Paredes, Bombillo Técnico, Ricardo Delgado 

Photos: Luis Yucra + Mafer Ortiz Ballarta